Asociación para la Investigación en EII Manises
lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

Programa VIII Reunion Pacientes con EII.

Ya disponible el programa de la VIII Reunión de Pacientes del Hospital de Manises.

Tendrá lugar el próximo día 28 de Octubre de 2017 a las 9h en el Salón de actos del Hospital de Manises,
¡Os esperamos!

1 comentario:

  1. The Program VIII Meeting of IBD Patients was a remarkable event that provided a vital platform for individuals living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) to come together, share experiences, and access valuable resources. Through engaging presentations, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, attendees gained insights into the latest advancements in IBD research, treatment options, and strategies for managing the condition effectively. Moreover, the meeting fostered a sense of community and support, empowering participants to navigate the challenges of IBD with resilience and optimism.
    Abogado de Delitos con Armas en Orange
    Prenup Abogado Condado de Orange
